Dressing Drums

Hospital Dressing Drums Manufacturer

The Sterilization Dressing Drums is metal round cylindrical or rectangular boxes that are sterilized, and then store sterile dressings, bathrobes and operational linen and used in Operation Theater room ( O.T Room).  
Item Code L H
GKBGI-HH 519 100 100
GKBGI-HH 520 100 120
GKBGI-HH 521 125 80
GKBGI-HH 522 150 100
GKBGI-HH 523 150 120
GKBGI-HH 524 150 130
GKBGI-HH 525 150 150
GKBGI-HH 526 180 180
GKBGI-HH 37 190 145
GKBGI-HH 528 190 190
GKBGI-HH 529 200 140
GKBGI-HH 530 225 115
GKBGI-HH 531 225 225
GKBGI-HH 532 228 152
GKBGI-HH 533 240 145
GKBGI-HH 534 240 190
GKBGI-HH 535 240 240

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