Bed Pan Fracture

Stainless Steel Bed Pan Fracture Manufacturer

Bed Pan Fracture is made of Stainless steel AISI 304 grade (18/8) material. Used for the toileting of a bedridden patient in a health care facility, usually made of a metal, glass, or plastic receptacle. A bed pan can be used for both urinary and fecal discharge. Useful for patients confined to bed, necessitating the use of bedpans, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, apoplexia cerebri and dementia. In addition, many patients may be confined to a bed temporarily as a result of a temporary illness, injury, or surgery, thereby necessitating the use of a bed pan. Bed Pan made up of highly-polished stainless steel ware. Reusable and Autoclavable.  
Item Code L W H
GKBGI-HH 504 420 292 85
GKBGI-HH 505 420 292 85

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