

Item Code Name
GKBGI-DE 1102- B Foetoscope/fetoscope
A Foetoscope is a specialized medical instrument used to listen to the fetal heartbeat during pregnancy. It refers to any device used for auscultating (listening to) the fetal heart sounds. These devices can be electronic or mechanical. The Pinard stethoscope is a non-electronic, trumpet-shaped, wooden or metal device used to auscultate the fetal heart directly through the mother's abdomen. Invented by Adolphe Pinard in the 19th century, it amplifies the sound of the fetal heartbeat without requiring batteries or electricity.It remains widely used, especially in low-resource settings or during home births, due to its simplicity, affordability, and effectiveness. This surgical instrument are part of obstetric care and are often used by midwives or doctors to monitor the baby's well-being during pregnancy.
  • Function: It is used to listen to fetal heart sounds, much like a Pinard stethoscope.
  • Design: It is typically a handheld, trumpet-shaped instrument with one end placed on the pregnant woman's abdomen and the other end on the listener's ear.
  • Material: Made from Aluminum or plastic
  • Advantages: Does not rely on batteries or electronics, making it a useful tool in low-resource settings or where access to more advanced equipment is limited.
  • Use: Midwives and doctors often use it during prenatal visits, particularly in rural or remote areas where electronic devices may not be available.

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